Clone Yourself By Creating Systems For Home And Work
I'm sharing with you 5 steps to clone yourself by creating systems for work and home. Follow these five steps to reclaim your free time back while still getting everything done.
Working With Your Partner To Systemize Household Tasks And Balance The Mental Load
If you're looking for ways to strengthen your relationship and minimize conflict while also reducing the mental burden of running your home or your business, then this episode is for you. I'm sharing my 4 tips for systemizing household management with your partner.
Win At Work And At Life With Megan Hyatt Miller
How can you perform at the highest standard possible in all areas of your life? In this episode, we deep dive into achieving your full potential professional and personally and how to get there, defining your high leverage activities that help you achieve results, building a team that helps you multiply your ROI, creating hard stops in your work and life (Megan is done with work every day at 3 pm!).
Managing Family Schedules As A Working Mom To Streamline Your Week
Do you need to be more consistent about managing your home and schedule, getting out the door on time in the mornings and feeling more in control? If so, this episode is for you.
3 Tips To Avoid Toxic Productivity
Productivity is great. I'm all about it. But it's a problem when you begin overworking at the expense of parts of your life - relationships, family, mental health, sleep and exercise.
Planning With Prioritization with Dr. Sarah Hart-Unger
Tired of feeling like you’re constantly in reactive mode and are wishing to shift into a proactive mindset? In this episode we discuss nested goals, why quarters don’t fit parent’s (or students) lives for planning, and how to get started with planning.
Choosing A Word For The Year
Do you excitedly set New Year's Resolutions every year only to realize 3 months in that you aren't accomplishing them? Me too. This is why I have abandoned resolutions. Instead, I now choose a Word of the Year, set implementation intentions instead of Resolutions and align my goals with these.
Be Better Prepared for The New Year By Reviewing and Reflecting
Before you start setting New Year's Resolutions, make sure to review last year - what worked, what didn't and how to reset.
3 Simple Habits to Create an Authentic, Healthy Lifestyle
Do you struggle to create healthy meals for yourself (and your family) on a consistent basis? Work, activities, extracurriculars all seem to get in the way. And so there are days where you are just scrambling making choices that don’t promote your own health and well being.
How To Manage Jealousy And Envy
I used to live in this space of being envious of my classmates and jealous of those that seemed to have it all. That is why I will get super honest in this episode and let you know how I help get myself out of this space.