Disconnect and Unplug From Phones
I hate feeling like I am powerless. And I feel that way with my phone at times. As if it's controlling me and I just cannot feasibly step away being a business owner, doctor and mom.
Preventing Burnout in High Achieving Women
Burnout is becoming more and more common in the field of medicine. But, it's particularly prevalent amongst women as we struggle to balance work and life and take on the lions share of responsibilities at home, which only exacerbate dissatisfaction
Choose What You Love
Wonder which direction you should take with your career? Should you choose a path associated with a "better lifestyle" or one you feel passionately about?
Starting A Concierge Medicine Practice
Are you in health care and considering going concierge? Host, Dr. Rupa Wong is joined by Dr. Lisa Wong, endocrinologist in practice for 20 years who made the pivot to concierge medicine 4 years ago.In this episode, we explore the driving force behind her decision to switch her practice to a concierge model, shifts she needed to make in her mindset along the way. the nitty gritty of how she made this pivot and how it impacted her work-life balance.
Making Friends As An Adult
Making friends as an adult can be challenging. Not just situational friends - other parents at the preschool drop off friends, but real, actual friends. There's a reason for that. Sociologists have long noted that 3 conditions are integral for developing friendships.
Gender Bias in Medicine
The microagressions, the gender -pay disparity,, the emotional and mental toll can be exhausting for women in medicine. Gender bias still exists in medicine, but there is something we can do about it.
My ADHD Study Tips
ADHD doesn’t have to hold you back from academic and professional success. I attended Duke on an academic, merit based scholarship, went on to Cornell Medical school and matched in a pretty competitive specialty (ophthalmology).
The Millionaire Mom With Dr. Anika Goodwin
So,when I got the chance to interview an ophthalmology colleague, Dr. Anika Goodwin, I jumped. Because not only is she a doctor mom but she also founded her own multi million dollar magnetic lashes company, all while still practicing medicine and being a single mom to 2 daughters. She was also on Shark Tank (she got an investment!) this past year and in this episode she shares:
Outsourcing Your Household Tasks
I used to never outsource. Like anything. I grew up pretty humbly and living as a student into my early 30's further reinforced those thoughts.I had 2 misconceptions about outsourcing:I couldn't afford it and no one could do something as well as I could.
Why Everyone Needs A Therapist
I used to think that you had to have a major psychiatric disorder to see a psychiatrist or a therapist. This is even with my own mother being a psychiatrist. Mental health is not openly discussed in Indian culture, unfortunately, it's still a taboo topic, much like many cultures.