ADHD in Women
Is ADHD different for women compared to men? Or is it that we're socialized to clamp down on our ADHD impulses more than men? Psychiatrist, Dr. Sasha Hamdani discusses how ADHD presents in women and why women may be under or even misdiagnosed.
Maintaining Mindfulness As A Working Woman
As working women, we are pulled in a million different directions - and our thoughts demonstrate this. Maintaining mindfulness or even finding time to meditate may seem like an impossibility. But Dr. Lori Atkins, showed me how to achieve a few minutes of peace each day without a huge time commitment.
Why Everyone Needs A Therapist
I used to think that you had to have a major psychiatric disorder to see a psychiatrist or a therapist. This is even with my own mother being a psychiatrist. Mental health is not openly discussed in Indian culture, unfortunately, it's still a taboo topic, much like many cultures.